Q&A with Chelsea from Bowy Made

Q&A with Chelsea from Bowy Made
Introducing this awe-inspiring woman who is one of the most gorgeous souls you will ever meet, my dear friend Chelsea Singer, the founder and creative soul and heart behind Bowy Made - a successful online business which sells the most amazing luxe baby accessories, that are designed to make a statement and are loved by mamas all over the world! If you haven't already, be sure to head over to her page @bowymade to check it out, it is cuteness overload!
I first met Chelsea a long time ago when she walked into the surf shop I was managing and handed me her resume, as soon as this fresh out of high school girl introduced herself, I knew she was perfect for the position - I offered her a job on the spot. I just remember she had this friendly, warm glowing aura about her..... how could I say no right? Still to this day that was one of the best decisions that I had made by hiring her - Chels was the best employee ever! Haha..
Many years have past since that day, and I have absolutely loved watching her journey unfold - from seeing her graduate and become a radiographer, marrying the love of her life Dallas, becoming a mum to the two most beautiful little girls and now to be living out her dreams of owning and running a successful business. This passionate mama is killing it, and I couldn't be more excited and happy for her. Chelsea is truly an inspiration to me and so many other women - and I just can't wait for you to read all about her.
We have a chat about her professional journey and what led her to pursue this dream of hers, and also dive into some fun questions to get to know her more on a personal level.
So find a cosy spot to relax, and enjoy this interview. 
Love Sally x o


Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you do?

I am 34 years old, I am a very proud mama to two beautiful girls and a wife to my best friend. I have worked and studied in radiography for the last twelve to fourteen years, and I started my side hustle two and a half years ago.
After lots of dedication and consistency, that hustle has now turned into a full time business - Bowy Made. We are still very young and still learning lots - but can not wait to see where our journey takes us.


When did you realise that this is what your passion was, or what you wanted to do?

Having loved creating and making since I was young, I always knew my chosen career in the medical profession was not my forever path. When my youngest daughter was born, I created some cute little turbans for her, and that was the start of Bowy Made.
I have always had a very clear direction for my brand, and knew as soon as I launched my website and sold my very first item, that it was the start of something amazing. I haven't looked back since.


What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

Hmmmm.... I guess there have been a few along the way so far, but first for sure would be me ‘retiring’ from my day job, and second would be employing my first full time employee (my husband).


What has been your greatest challenge in life so far, and how did you overcome it/how are you working to overcome it?

I guess a challenging time throughout starting my own business would have had to been when I was still working part time, caring full time for my little kiddies (they went to daycare 1-2 days a week), and my husband working full time in his design job - all while trying to find the time to work on Bowy Made.
Once the kiddies were in bed, I would work most nights until around 2am. I had to stop my training, which I did every morning (as I needed that extra hour of sleep because I was so tired), everything just felt out of rhythm. People would ask me how do you do it?? Why are you doing this?? I would usually just say ‘I don't know’ and shrug it off, but deep down what got me through was the reason I started - my goal.
I have always had a very clear vision of where I want to take my business. I always knew if I put in this hard work now and just keep going, this consistency and dedication will pay off. The times when I would forget this and want to give up, my amazing husband would always remind me and give me the encouragement I very much needed. So I just did what everyone else would have done, I just got it done.
Finally I hit the point where I could quit my radiography career, then six months later, I hit another point where my husband could also quit his full time job and come work for the business. The last point and probably one of the best is when we were able to move into a warehouse out of our home. So now I can happily say we are back to our balanced lifestyle (thank goodness).
Work is for work time, and home is for family time.


Describe yourself in five words.

Positive, caring, perfectionist, determined and empathetic (maybe a little too much sometimes... I don't want to know any sad stories, I just get too sad - hence why i never watch the news anymore, or go on Facebook).


What are you most proud of?

Besides my two gorgeous girls, it would have to be the fact that my husband and I have finally created that working life/family balanced lifestyle we have always dreamt about. I always wanted to be able to drop my kiddies off at school and pick them up everyday without having to rely on anyone. My eldest started school this year and I can happily say I will be at the school gate everyday.


What are three things you are most grateful for?

Family, friends and sunshine.


What’s your favourite way to move your body?

My most favourite way to move my body would have to be high intensity workouts. I love to push myself, I love the challenge and most of all the amazing feeling you're left with once finished.


How important is self-care to you, & how do you take time out just for you - to nourish your soul?

Absolutely! This is soooo important! I find if I do not take time to nourish my soul, every part of my life starts to become affected, and my stress levels increase. Most days, I wake up at 4:40am and go to my F45 class all before the kiddies wake up. There is nothing better than starting the day with a positive mind set.


If you had a self-care box you could open up when you needed some timeout, what would you fill it with?

A very long walk, followed by a hot coffee.


What’s the best advice you have ever received?

"You only live once!"- Simple and oh so true!


When was the last time you tried something new for the very first time & what was it?

I started skateboarding about few months ago with eldest daughter Yorke (she is 5). My husband has been teaching us, and we LOVE it!!! I’m not very good at all, but she loves learning with me.


What are 5 things you can’t live without?

My kiddies, my husband, coffee, exercise and my mum.


What’s one thing you haven’t done that you really want to do?

Hmmmmm... I would love to live abroad for six months with my family. We have always said we would love to live in Bali, and experience the culture and lifestyle.


What’s one thing most people wouldn’t know about you?

I HATE talking on the phone! My phone is switched on silent 100% of the time, so I don't have to answer it. All my friends and family know to call my husband if they need me. Haha.


If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?

Maybe Kim Kardashian - I would just love to see what she does in a day.


Favourite Quote?

‘The best way to predict your future is to create it’ - Thanks to you Sal. I LOVE this one!


Favourite Food?

 I would have to say Mexican.


Favourite Cocktail?

Espresso Martini for sure!


Favourite holiday destination?

Hawaii. Between my husband and I, we have been there over twenty times and can’t wait to go back once we can fly again.


Favourite song?

At the moment, it would have to be Katy Perry ‘Daisies’. I listen to it on repeat every day at work.


Favourite movie?

I don’t really have a favourite movie, but I always go to the ‘romantic’ section when choosing one. I love a good love story.


Favourite podcast to listen to?

I love ABC true crime podcasts, and I am also a sucker for Joe Rogan. He interviews some very intelligent and knowledgeable people. 


Any advice for women following their dreams, but are afraid to take the next step? 

It is scary, hard and sometimes you will want to quit - but at the end of the day, you have an end goal you're working towards. Don't give up!!


To follow Chelsea on her journey or to connect with her, please click here @bowymade





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